Monday 5 January 2015

Listen to the music ( Assignment 5)

This is my last assignment, listen to the music to draw an artwork. I really enjoy listen to the music while doing my artwork. I used straw to blow the colour to made it like fireworks. I feel satisfied when i done my artwork. 

Monogram ( Assignment 4)

          This is my monogram design, it represent my name, Lee Sock Yan. My theme is about feminine. I design it like a ribbon.

                There are some deference size of stencils. I cut it to many deference size to manage some of the object i have. Although it was takes some time but i love my design very much.

                           This is my pattern design. Although the outcome is not so ideal, i hope can do better next time.

This is my poster design. Luckily i found the rainbow paper from art friend. I really love it so much  !!

This is all my outcome=) 

Batik (Assignment 3)

              This is my 3rd assignment, Batik. It was a group assignment. So i decided to work with another group to try something new, they are Serra, Yanlin and Inmani. Our theme is crane. We work together and discuss about each other artwork. I grad to work with them because i learn many thing from them. I really enjoy about it and i hope can have a chance to do it again.

       This is our final artwork =)

Paper Cut Out (Assignment 2)

                      My theme is about fairy tail. This is my A-symmetry paper cut out.  I used shinny rose paper to cut it out although the paper was thick. I draw the butterfly around the fairy because it represent happiness , freedom and feminine.



                    This is my symmetry paper cut out. I used gold paper to cut it out. It takes around 4 hours to finish it. It was very challenging and i can learn more about paper cutting skill. Although it was hard but i really enjoy it.


Sunday 4 January 2015

My Self-Portrait

               This is my self-portrait. I used water colours to paint my self-portrait. For the everything i draw, it brings a lot of meaning for me. Firstly, i draw myself like a fairy because i hope i can do everything i like and freedom. Second, i draw the two little elf beside me because i like to meet a lot of friend. Then, i also draw the peacock, swan, flowers and mountain because I'm a natural lover. Lastly, the two tall trees are represent about my parents. They always support me and always take care of me.