Sunday, 22 November 2015

D.COMM: Animation movie sketch ( Finding Nemo)


                                     Miss requirers us to choose one animation movie to draw the synopsis and use 6 fundamentals to draw this assignment. So i choose Finding Nemo for this assignment.

Isometric plan

Have to improve neatness.

Two point perspective grid


I satisfied with it.

Two point perspective bed room

This is my dream room !

One point perspective kitchen

Have to improve more.

Long section

All of the things that i have to improve. I will do it more better.

Long elevation

Have to improve neatness.

Short elevation

Have to improve the neatness.

Short section

It take some time to draw.

Top view plan

Have to improve the lines and neatness.

One point perspective grid

I satisfied my outcome.

Reflected ceiling plan

Have to improve quality.

orthographic plan by cartridge paper

Have to improve the quality of lines.

orthographic project by tracing paper

                          Title block have to write with pen.

Monday, 16 November 2015


                    Miss Norji requirer us to use 7 fundamentals to draw this task. This is my outcome.

D.COMM: Fruit with water colouring

                                  Miss Norji decided us to use water colour to draw a fruit. So i choose pomegranate for my drawing. I get A for this task.

                              For the back, Miss requirer us to draw a character ourself.

D.COMM: Hand drawing

                                    From this task, Miss Norji requirer us to draw hand, watch and shoes. So, i choose my hand for my drawing. At this task I only get 7/10 because the quality of technique have to be improved.

D.COMM: Floor Plan (visual diary task)

Monday, 2 November 2015

Two point perspective grid: Bed room (D.COMM)



                                 This is the scenery that i took from Pulau Tioman. The first look of this scene is very beautiful. It inspired me to choose for this sketches.