Thursday, 27 July 2017

Lee Sock Yan 0320092 IDS60405 Interior Design projects III Final Project: Escapade


Final project: The Photography Retreat

Throughout this final assignment, I start from sketching idea to from a program. Next, I started design my plans. As i know, to design a nice circulation plan is not easy because have to consider so many places and suitable space for my services provide. After discuss with my lecturers many times, my plan finally get approved. After that, i started to design my sections. From the section, we have to consider the construction as well. Besides, photoshop to color the plans and sections is step that cannot be skipped. Then, the next step is to design my exterior. Exterior not only design following my industrial style, also have to consider about the building design of Ipoh like arch window, and arch covered walkway. After that, i move on to design my 3D perspective views. For me, this is the most important part as i am a interior designer. In my opinion, perspective have to be very clear and strong design concept. Throughout this assignment, i admit that my digital programs is improve a lot. So, i have uploaded my perspective views which show the before and after. The outcome compare to before and after were really different. Throughout so many progress, i have finally reached the last stage which is design the final presentation boards which are 6 A1 boards. While finalizing my boards composition, i constantly interact with my lecturer to obtain feedback. Also, i have done my model of the photography retreat as well. Lastly, there is the overall composition of my outcome below. I would like to thanks Ms Yasmin and Ms Diana for being my lecturers. I really appreciate all the help and advise that they give me.

Idea Development:














Perspective Views:

Lobby before

Lobby After

Dorm Room

Mezzanine before

Mezzanine after

Photography workshop before

Photography workshop after

Photography studio before

Photography studio after

Final presentation boards:

Overall Composition:


Lee Sock Yan 0320092 IDS60405 Interior Design projects III Project 2: Site Analysis & Documentation

Site Analysis & Documentation

Project 2: Seen Vs Unseen

This is a group project which is seen vs unseen. Throughout this project, we went to Ipoh to collecting data and gather information to know more about Ipoh. From this chosen topic which is seen vs unseen, we have to think beyond and get to know what people unseen from Ipoh. So, we started collect artifact, materials, signage and capture special event from Ipoh. Lastly, this is the outcome about our teamwork and all the information we collected.

Lee Sock Yan 0320092 IDS60405 Interior Design projects III Project 1: Identity & Biz-kiosk

Identity & Biz-kiosk

Project 1

Part 1: Identity

Everyone of us have to pick our own topic. So, i choose photography as my topic to design a photography theme in the photography retreat. And there are the outcome below.

Logo Design:

Door Signage:


Overall composition:

Part 2: Biz-kiosk

This business kiosk is more focus on form follow function which is functional. There are merchandise display rack, photography lesson teaching, front wall can open to become a bench for people to sit for listening the lesson, and there is a ladder for people to climb up to take photo and the wire grid at the side for take photo as well.

Friday, 21 July 2017

Photography Final Assignment- Line Video

Line is More 

Empire Damansara Shooting

Throughout this assignment, i found that work with teammates who are Ng ka Lun and Tan Ya Nee is better than work myself. Besides, team work is also important. We help each other from shooting video until editing video. For doing this video, my role is hand never shaking while taking video. Because it will influence the outcome. Next, this assignment make me feel that making video is not that easy. Because i was totally 0% with the Adobe Premiere Pro and lack of skill and experience to shooting nice position. After discuss with Mr Martin, we plan to go to Empire Damansara to shoot again. After went to the second shooting, i realize that my video outcome is better. From there, i learnt that while taking video, our hand must be steady and nice position also very important. Lastly, we finally done editing our video. This video is about line which is telling a story from less line to many line to form a building. Also, we start shooting is the exterior of the building and through the interior and get back to exterior like people walk in and walk out.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Photography assignment 2 - Ss15 Cafe

                                                  Photography assignment 2 - Ss15 Cafe 

                                          1. F3.5, SS 80, ISO 1600

                                          2. F5.6, SS 20, ISO 1600

                                          3. F4.3, SS 500, ISO 1600

4.  F, SS , ISO 1600                                                          

5.     F, SS , ISO 1600                                                  

6.  F, SS , ISO 1600                                                   

7. F4.7, SS 25, ISO 1600                                              

                                                 8.  F5.6, SS 13, ISO 1600

9.   F4.7, SS 50, ISO 1600                                                           

10.  F, SS , ISO 1600